DLOG_501.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 501 Title: 'dialing' DLOG_500.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=220 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 500 Title: '' DLOG_275.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 275 Title: 'out of memory' DLOG_274.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 274 Title: 'out of memory' DLOG_272.txt Bounds: x1=86, y1=60, x2=426, y2=220 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 272 Title: 'configuration' DLOG_271.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 271 Title: 'file in use' DLOG_270.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 270 Title: 'PICT error' DLOG_269.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 269 Title: 'stop send' DLOG_267.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 267 Title: 'text or doc' DLOG_265.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 265 Title: 'bad port' DLOG_264.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 264 Title: 'phoenix error' DLOG_261.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 261 Title: 'error opening' DLOG_260.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 260 Title: 'error creating' DLOG_259.txt Bounds: x1=82, y1=100, x2=430, y2=256 ProcID: 4 Visible: false GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 259 Title: 'FreeTerm File Transfer' DLOG_258.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=40, x2=412, y2=330 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 258 Title: 'configuration' DLOG_257.txt Bounds: x1=100, y1=100, x2=412, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 257 Title: 'error dialog' DLOG_256.txt Bounds: x1=50, y1=100, x2=462, y2=200 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: false RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 256 Title: 'all about dialog'